Dust off your Sukkah toolkit , pick out the freshest arba minim ( Four Kinds ), and get ready for another week of celebration under the stars ! Sukkot 2025 is coming soon, and we’ve got all the dates and details you need right here.
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First Day of Sukkot Begins:
Sundown on October 6, 2025
Second Day of Sukkot Begins:
Sundown on October 7, 2025
Note: In Israel, Sukkot transitions into Chol Hamoed at nightfall on October 7, 2025.
Chol HaMoed Begins:
Nightfall on October 7, 2025 , and runs through sundown on October 12, 2025
Hoshanah Rabbah:
Ends Chol Hamoed at sundown on October 12, 2025
Shemini Atzeret Begins:
Sundown on October 12, 2025
Simchat Torah Begins:
Sundown on October 13, 2025
In Israel, Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah are celebrated as one day, beginning at sundown on October 12, 2025.
Jewish Calendar Reminder: Nights Come First
The Jewish calendar flips the script: every day begins at sundown, so your Sukkot celebrations kick off the evening before the secular calendar date. Keep that in mind when planning your meals , prayers , and Sukkah sleepovers!
For instance, Sukkot 2025 officially begins at sundown on October 6 and wraps up at nightfall on October 12, with Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah following immediately after.
Hammer Time: Your Ultimate Guide to Sukkot Prep
We all know the days between Yom Kippur and Sukkot are pure chaos – but the good kind. The Midrash says it best: the Jewish community becomes a bustling hive of activity. Ladders go up, hammers fly, Sukkahs take shape, and people sift through piles of lulavs like they’re hunting for gold.
But how do you channel that pre-festival energy into actual prep without losing your sanity? Luckily, we’ve got you covered with this handy pre-Sukkot checklist:
Start Building Your Sukkah
Yom Kippur’s over, and the post-fast bagel crumbs are barely swept away when the Sukkah talk begins. Whether you’re wielding a hammer or cracking out the poles from your all-in-one Sukkah Kit , it’s time to roll up your sleeves as soon as Yom Kippur is out and get going!
But what if your Sukkah situation feels overwhelming? Maybe your balcony is tiny, your garden’s gnome-sized, or your free time is nonexistent. Don’t stress! We’ve got guides for every challenge, from speedy setups (in under an hour!) to small-space solutions, and the even best Sukkah lighting hacks.
Check out our how-to blogs:
Buy The Four Kinds
Ah, the arba minim – the unsung heroes of Sukkot! These fabulous four are:
A palm frond (lulav)
Two willows (aravot)
At least three myrtles (hadassim)
A citron (etrog) that looks like a lemon’s artsy cousin
But beware! Not all arba minim sets are kosher . Before you panic-buy from a shady “lulav guy,” consult your local rabbi or trusted dealer . It’s worth the effort to ensure your set is up to par (and your etrog doesn’t look like it’s had a bad day).
Check Your Sukkot Eve Essentials
As the first night of Sukkot approaches, there are a few last-minute tasks to check off:
Charity Check: Share the joy (and your wallet) with those in need.
Lulav Bundling: Bind your lulav, hadassim, and aravot into a neat bundle. No clue how? Your Rabbi or arba minim dealer can save the day…and so can this handy guide we’ve put together on How to Tie Your Lulav Bundle .
Eruv Tavshilin: If Sukkot starts on a Wednesday night, don’t forget this important preparation!
Candle Lighting: Women and girls bring a warm glow to the Sukkah with candle lighting ( weather permitting).
Sukkot Without the Stress
Whether you’re building your Sukkah from scratch , figuring out how to squeeze it onto your balcony , or searching for the perfect arba minim, we’re here to make your Sukkot prep as smooth as your post-fast cheesecake.
With this guide in hand, you can turn the joyous chaos of Sukkot prep into an organized celebration. Now go hammer, shop, and invite your way to the happiest Sukkot yet!