Sukkot Help & Resources

Hoshanot: It's not just willow-whacking . Learn all the 'how-tos' of the prayers and circling, plus the real meaning behind beating willows on Hoshanah Rabbah.
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Discover why Hoshana Rabbah is the real judgment day. Learn all about willow-wielding, Torah-circling, the judgment-sealing seventh day of Sukkot.
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Building a Sukkah? Master the art of constructing Kosher Sukkah walls! Explore acceptable materials, gap rules (lavud), the "bent wall" technique, and more.
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Can you use someone else's Sukkah? Discover the ins and outs of Sukkah halacha, from borrowing to building, and if it's ever okay to "steal" a Sukkah?
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Simchat Beit Hashoevah: A festival that's endured for centuries, from the Temple to Brooklyn. Discover its rituals, history, and how it's celebrated today.
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