Sukkot Help & Resources

Discover how to properly dispose of Schach after Sukkot. Learn if you can recycle Schach and some pro-tips for sustainable alternatives for your Sukkah.
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Aravot: the humble willow representing pure service. Discover its key role role in Sukkot, and learn why it takes center stage on Hoshanah Rabbah.
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Hoshanah Rabbah Explained: Discover everything from all-night Torah study to the final day of "leshev basukkah," and and why kreplach is a must.
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Why does Sukkot have 3 names? Explore the holiday’s real meaning, wild customs (camelback Sukkahs, anyone?), and why it’s the ultimate time of rejoicing.
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Is your Etrog 'purebred?' Our guide to choosing a Kosher Lulav & Etrog set covers everything you need to know, from certifications to checking for blemishes.
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