To Snack or Not to Snack: Can You Eat a Snack Outside the Sukkah?

The Power of a Good Story

Who doesn’t love a good story? Well, it turns out Chazal (our Sages) did too! The Sages often teach us important lessons not just through halachah (Jewish law) but by relating stories, making their teachings more relatable and memorable. And when these stories involve some of our greatest Torah giants, the message becomes even more profound. One such tale is nestled at the end of the second chapter of Tractate Sukkah. So, let’s take a deep dive into Sukkah-snacking.

To Snack or Not to Snack: That is the Question

The Mishnah (Sukkah 25a) serves up a delicious debate: Can you snack outside the Sukkah? Spoiler alert – it’s allowed! A snack, or in Mishnah-speak, “Achilat Arai,” can be enjoyed outside your cozy holiday hut.

But here’s where it gets interesting. The Mishnah follows up with a story about Rabban Yochanan Ben Zakai, who was offered a small amount of food. Instead of indulging outside the Sukkah , he asked that the food be brought into the  Sukkah  . Rabban Gamliel took a similar approach with two dates and some water. They went above and beyond the base requirement, choosing to snack in the Sukkah.

Then we meet Rabi Tzadok, who kept it simple – he ate his snack outside the  Sukkah  , in line with the basic rule. Both approaches are perfectly kosher, and here’s the kicker: both are Halachically valid!

And if you need to find the right size Sukkah to fit all your snacks, check out our guide to picking the perfect Sukkah for your space and budget.

A Snack Outisde the Sukkah - Two Models of Mitzvah

In the world of mitzvot, not everything is black and white. Yes, some things are non-negotiable, but there are also areas where you get to decide just how far to go. Rav Kook introduces two models: the “Torat Moshe” ( commanded mitzvot ) and “Torat Avraham” ( voluntary mitzvot ), which represent the required and the optional.

Think of Shabbat. You’ve got the set time to observe Shabbat, from sunset Friday to nightfall Saturday, but you can also choose to add a little extra time to observe Shabbat with “Tosefet Shabbat.” This is a great example of how halachah allows for flexibility within the framework of mitzvot. The same is true for snacking on  Sukkot  : you can follow the base rule, or you can choose to go the extra mile. Both paths are valid, and each person can decide what feels right.

Sukkah Snacks and the Second Temple’s Destruction – Wait, What?

Now for a plot twist: what does  eating snacks in the Sukkah have to do with the destruction of the Second Beit HaMikdash (Temple)? As we explored this Mishnah, we realized that the characters in the story – Rabban Yochanan Ben Zakai, Rabban Gamliel, and Rabi Tzadok – were central figures during the events surrounding the Temple’s destruction.

Our Sages teach that Sinat Chinam (baseless hatred) was a key factor in the Churban (destruction of the Temple). A famous Torah commentator , the Netzi, explains that even though Jews of the time were devout, they labeled anyone with a different approach to fear of Heaven as a heretic. 

This Mishnah therefore subtly presents a solution to that divisiveness: there are two different approaches to the mitzvah of Sukkah, and both are equally valid. It’s a gentle reminder that we shouldn’t be too quick to judge others for their religious choices. Flexibility and tolerance go a long way.

Balancing Acts: The Real Lesson Behind the Snacks

There’s also an interesting contrast between these characters. Rabi Tzadok, who was stringent about fasting before the Temple’s destruction, took the lenient approach when it came to snacking in the  Sukkah  . Meanwhile, Rabban Yochanan Ben Zakai and Rabban Gamliel, who were more lenient about fasting, were strict about their  Sukkah snacks  . What’s the takeaway?

Moderation, folks! Rabbi Yosef Soloveitchik teaches that true moderation isn’t about always playing it safe or sticking to the middle ground. It’s about striking a balance in the bigger picture. Sometimes we need to be strict , and other times, lenient . Life – and mitzvot – are about finding that balance. 

The Personal Touch in Halachah

In the secular world, judges and scholars set laws, but their personal behavior isn’t part of the equation. If the nine Supreme Court justices decided to sell cigars on the courthouse steps, it wouldn’t suddenly make it legal to sell cigars there!

But in Judaism, it’s different. The personal conduct of great Torah scholars deeply influences their students and followers. When Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik drinks “non-Chalav Yisrael” milk (milk that was produced by a non-Jew) or teaches Gemara to women at Stern College, it speaks volumes to his students about how to live a Torah life.

The stories of our sages aren’t just entertaining anecdotes – they’re lessons on how to think, act, and grow as Jews. Whether we’re choosing where to snack on Sukkot or navigating life’s larger questions, their examples guide us in balancing strictness and leniency in our own lives.

Find Your Sukkah Snack Style

So, what’s your snack game this Sukkot? Whether you’re team “snack outside” like Rabi Tzadok or “Sukkah snacker” like Rabban Yochanan Ben Zakai, you’ve got options. Just remember that both choices are kosher – literally and figuratively! And just maybe, this snack-sized debate teaches us something bigger: there’s more than one way to live a Torah life, and respecting those differences could be the secret ingredient to unity.