Mitzvah Makeover: Beautifying the Four Species With Style

The mitzvah of the Four Species – a holy quartet that brings a touch of nature’s finest to your Sukkot. But did you know that beyond just grabbing any old palm frond or citron, there's really supposed to be a whole beauty pageant going on? By that, we mean “ hiddur ,” (lit. beautification or enhancement) the ancient art of giving your mitzvot (commendment) the VIP treatment! And this is how: 

Enhancing The Four Species with Style: The Divine Makeover

As the Good Book says, “This is my G‑d and I shall exalt Him ” (Exodus 15:2). Our wise Sages took one look at this and realized that exalting G-d meant beautifying the performance of His mitzvot. That is, any mitzvah should be fulfilled in the most aesthetically pleasing manner possible. Because why just do a mitzvah when you can do it in style?

Sure, this applies to all commandments, but the Torah puts an extra spotlight on our leafy friends – the Four Species. The verse specifically mentions for us to use “the fruit of a beautiful tree.” Our Sages explained that the term hadar – beautiful, majestic – used in the verse applies not only to the  etrog  but to each one of the Four Species…and that, dear reader, is our cue to go all out.

The Etrog

First up, the etrog (citron). Not just any old lemon wannabe , a mehudar etrog (beautified etrog) is the VIP of the fruit world, boasting the following features:

  • Spotlessness: Think of it as the porcelain-skinned supermodel of fruits – no blemishes allowed.

  • Textured: It should have a surface like a mogul ski run – lots of bumps and dips, none of this smooth nonsense.

  • Inward-Facing Oketz : That little pointy end where it was attached to the tree? Inward-facing, please.

  • Towering Shape: Broad at the base and narrowing at the top, like an elegant party dress.

Pitam & Shoshanta: The flower top (shoshanta) should be intact and the pitam (stem) should sit prettily in the center. Perfection is key with the Four Species!

The Lulav

Next, we have the lulav, our tall and dashing date palm frond, with the following key features:

  • Fresh & Green: No dry tips here, it needs to look like it’s just come back from a spa day.

  • Straight as a Rod: No funky bends or twists; we want a soldier at attention.

  • Pristine Top: The tip should be flawless, not a hair out of place.

  • Twin Leaves: The central twin leaf should be whole and un-split, like two peas in a pod.

Unified Leaves: All leaves should stick together, separating only when you give it a good shake – a cohesive crew!

The Hadas

The hadas (myrtle) isn’t just any shrub – it’s got standards:

  • Evergreen: A vibrant green, no signs of dryness.

  • Triple Treat: Leaves should grow in triplets, each trio sprouting from the same level.

  • Close Quarters: Rows of leaves should be so tight-knit, they touch the next row’s base.

  • Three Handbreadths: This leafy luxury should maintain its triplet pattern for at least three handbreadths.

  • Perfect Proportions: Leaf size should be in the Goldilocks zone – just right, not too big, not too small – about the size of a thumbnail.

Upward Points: Leaves should point upwards and cover the stem , all intact, with no nips at the top.

Aravah: The Willow Wonder

Last but not least, the aravah (willow):

  • Red Stems: Those stems should be flaunting a fierce, fabulous red. Think fire truck chic!

  • Narrow Leaves: Long and narrow with smooth edges, like they just had a spa day.

  • Top Integrity: No nipped tops, please – the top leaf should be whole.

  • Green Glory: Leaves should be lush and green , without a hint of dryness.

Leafy Abundance: The branch should be full, boasting all its leaves.

Bonus Points: River's Edge Willow

If you can score an aravah that grows by the river, you’ve hit the mitzvah jackpot! It’s like the cherry on top of the hiddur sundae.

…but why stop at your Four Species? There’s a whole world of Sukkah sparkle waiting to be unleashed! Think DIY Sukkah decorations that would make Martha Stewart jealous, dazzling Sukkah tapestries that scream “more festive than a sukkah full of glitter,” and lighting ideas that turn your Sukkah into a cozy, festive wonderland.

So there you have it – a mitzvah with a makeover. So, go forth, and may your Sukkot be as fabulous as your Four Species – because in the world of mitzvot, there's always room for a little extra sparkle!